Tip payouts done right, every time. Save time with easy tip pool creation and calculations.
Tip payouts done right, every time. Save time with easy tip pool creation and calculations.
No cash, no bank runs, and no difficult record keeping. Paying out tips in cash is a huge burden for restaurant managers, especially when most of your transactions are coming from credit cards. Our Tip Payout product lets you send daily tips with 1-click to your employees. It seamlessly moves tips from your bank account directly to your team's accounts in 20 seconds.
Pay out tips with simple tip pooling and distribution software, built for restaurants. Create the tip pools you need and make tip payouts more accurate. You can tip out with confidence, whether you have one employee or hundreds. You can ensure consistency & reduction of errors which in turn leads to happier staff! 7shifts tip pooling calculator integrates with payroll providers to save you time.