Refer a F3 client to 7shifts, spread the love ❤️

Help a restaurant improve their team management and get rewarded for growing the 7shifts community.

Spread the word

We love expanding our restaurant community through referrals from our friends at F3.

7shifts tip pooling product image

How does this work?

You refer a restaurant

Fill out all fields in this referral form and click ‘Let’s go!’. You can then continue submitting as many referrals as you’d like.

We connect with your referral

The 7shifts team will reach out to your referral lead and let them know that you recommended us. If it's a good fit, we'll give them a 7shifts demo and start learning more about their business.

Fill out your F3 info

Fill out your F3 info

Fill out your lead info


Spread the word

We love expanding our restaurant community through referrals from our friends at F3.

7shifts tip pooling product image

How does this work?

You refer a restaurant

Fill out all fields in this referral form and click ‘Let’s go!’. You can then continue submitting as many referrals as you’d like.

We connect with your referral

The 7shifts team will reach out to your referral lead and let them know that you recommended us. If it's a good fit, we'll give them a 7shifts demo and start learning more about their business.